Flag & Anthem

 Our Flag

Our National Fl;ag has to be unique in the world, precisely beacuse of its shape. It has two equal triangles which overlap a little at the centre. No other country has a traingular flag.

It consists of three colours - crimson, blue and white. It has crimson base with white emblem of the moon and the sun at the centre. In the upper triangle, there is a crescent moon with 16 emblems at the centre, out of which, 8 are distinct. In the lower triangle, there is the sun with twelve visible rays. The border of the entire flag is deep blue colour. The sun and the moon symbolize the existence of Nepal as long as the sun and the moon exists in the universe. The crimson colour symbolize valour and bravery of Nepali brethren. Similarly the blue colour indicates peace, and tranquility and the white is for purity. In fact, the very flag continues bestowing life to our culture, religioun and history.

Our National Anthem

                                             सयौं थुँगा फूलका हामी, एउटै माला नेपाली
                                             सार्वभौम भई फैलिएका, मेची-माहाकाली।
                                             सयौं थुँगा फूलका हामी, एउटै माला नेपाली
                                             सार्वभौम भई फैलिएका, मेची-माहाकाली।
                                             प्रकृतिका कोटी-कोटी सम्पदाको आंचल
                                             वीरहरूका रगतले, स्वतन्त्र र अटल।
                                             ज्ञानभूमि, शान्तिभूमि तराई, पहाड, हिमाल
                                             अखण्ड यो प्यारो हाम्रो मातृभूमि नेपाल।
                                             बहुल जाति, भाषा, धर्म, संस्कृति छन् विशाल
                                             अग्रगामी राष्ट्र हाम्रो, जय जय नेपाल।

                                                                            written by: Byakul Maila( Pradeep Rai)
                                                                            Composed by: Amber Gurung 

                                             Sayau thuga phulka hami, euṭai mala nepali
                                             Sarwabhaum bhai phailieka, Mechi-Mahakali
                                             Sayau thuga phulka hami, euṭai mala nepali
                                             Sarwabhaum bhai phailieka, Mechi-Mahakali
                                             Prakritika koti-koti sampadako aachala,
                                             birharuka ragata le, swatantra ra aṭala
                                             Gyanabhumi, shantibhumi Tarai, pahad, himala
                                             Akhaṇḍa yo pyaro hamro matṛibhumi Nepala
                                             Bahul jati, bhaṣha, dharma, sanskṛti chan bishala
                                             Agragami raṣhṭra hamro, jaya jaya Nepala

English Version 

We, together, are hundreds of flowers, in the Nepali garland
Spread from Mechi to Mahakali, is the wonder of our land
We, together, are hundreds of flowers, in the Nepali garland
Spread from Mechi to Mahakali, is the wonder of our land
A playground for millions of nature's gifts
Independent and standing tall because of blood of heroes.
Land of knowledge, land of peace, From soaring peak to hill and plain
Indivisible - our beloved, motherland Nepal.
Multi-racial, multi-lingual, multi-religious and with timeless culture
Progressive nation ours, Hail hail Nepal!

On August 3, 2007, Sayaun Thunga Phool Ka was officially declared as Nepal's national anthem by the House of Representatives.

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